E10 it’s a complete training and health program based on the complete and demanding physical preparation of a soccer player mixed with the latest fitness techniques.
E10 is a general program that reaches all ages and has its ramifications in specialties for the preparation in specific sports, offering at the same time training for children or for companies.
Gonzalo Rodriguez, is the founder and CEO of E10. An intelligent training system created in 1999, based on studies performed in Venezuela and other countries, in addition to 30 years of experience as a certified fitness trainer.
E10 is a complete training methodology that aims to optimize the performance of people who are looking to improve their physical condition and mental health, in a recreational space that allows them to enjoy what they do and create connections with other people who have the same motivation.
E10 is a program that you can adapt and personalize, in a dynamic and fun way, guaranteeing the achievement of your personal goals, whatever they may be.
Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Doloremque in hic molestias unde iste esse mollitia fuga nihil vitae, consequatur natus ad culpa quasi eaque! Temporibus eligendi ipsam accusantium molestias?
Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Doloremque in hic molestias unde iste esse mollitia fuga nihil vitae, consequatur natus ad culpa quasi eaque! Temporibus eligendi ipsam accusantium molestias?
Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Doloremque in hic molestias unde iste esse mollitia fuga nihil vitae, consequatur natus ad culpa quasi eaque! Temporibus eligendi ipsam accusantium molestias?
Tangible and lasting results.
Promotes ketosis, a natural biological action that allows you to use more of your body’s fat as fuel for energy
Allows you to shape your body
Facilitates physical recovery
Improves the state of health
It notably awakens the capacity for cognitive response, logical reasoning, decision making and team work.
It favors the channeling of emotions.
Improves the self-image perception.
Stimulates positive beliefs and thoughts.
It is an enclosed space that allows to perform the entire E10 intelligent training system and its stations. It is viable in spaces such as: sheds, gymnasiums, indoor courts, training rooms, among others.
It is a partially open space, which allows the realization of the entire E10 intelligent training system and its stations. It is viable in spaces such as: terraces, pergolas, sports courts, parks, among others.
It is an outdoor space that allows to set the whole E10 intelligent training system and its stations. It is viable in spaces such as: beaches, mountains, forests..
Mobile unit equipped with all the necessary tools to carry the experience of the training system. training system experience. It is able to move to any open space and also take advantage of the spaces around it..